Sunday, March 12, 2017

Book Club Observation

I would say I suffer from a case of "book club envy". I have been in many failed attempts at book clubs and have also had a failed attempt at starting my own book club. The problem was always coordinating schedules and finding people who are dedicated to actually read the book and come to the meeting. I have never been in a successful book club and after my last failed attempt at starting one a couple summer ago, I have not tried to be involved in one since. For my observation, I decided to go to the "Forever Young Adult Book Club". This book club is not conducted through the library, although many children's and young adult librarians are often in attendance. This book club was interesting because Forever Young Adult Book Clubs are conducted across the country. These book clubs use the website to know what to read next and this website can also help someone find a FYA book club near them. The tagline the Bloomington FYA book club told me to describe their group was "a book club for people who are a little less y and a little more a". Although the focus is young adult literature, every person in attendance was a younger woman (20s and 30s).

The month I attended the book club had read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. This book was actually not a book recommended by the website, but the group had decided last week to read this book instead of the book the website suggested because many members did not want to read the other book. The group met at a local brewery for this discussion, though they admit the location changes from various places around town including restaurants, breweries, or coffee shops. There were 7 people in attendance. I had not read the book but was there only for observation. There was no set leader to the group, although one teen librarian who may have been the one to form the group spoke up often when discussion began to lag or asked a new question if people had run out of ideas. Most people in the group shared ideas equally and the tone of the group was relaxed and friendly. There was one person in the group who was rather quiet. I later found out it was her first time attending. Although she did not contribute very often to the whole group discussion, I noticed a couple other members trying to engage her in casual conversation often. There is a second book that follows up from the first Six of Crows and some of the people in attendance had read both of the books. These people seemed anxious to continue sharing their thoughts and contributing questions. They never revealed any spoilers but encouraged other members to read the second book often. This extended knowledge gave them a bit of privilege and power in the conversation but it was not abused to the point where other members seemed uncomfortable. Overall, this book club felt like some friends coming together and discussing something they are passionate about (young adult literature) in a welcoming and energetic space.


  1. I like that this groups meets at places besides the library. I wonder if you started your own book club and made a set day every month if you would be more successful. Before I had kids, I would meet my friends every Saturday at 10 am after our morning run for an hour at a local coffee shop and catch up. The time and date never changed. Sometimes there would be all five of us and other times just two. I think trying to make accommodations for everyone's schedule is too difficult.

  2. Hello Darcy! I did not realize there were national book clubs, although it makes sense that there would be. I could definitely see online book club communities that might decide to meet up outside of the screen. My own book club's atmosphere was like a group of friends as well, which made conversation both easier and somewhat harder, at least for me, especially if my opinions and thoughts were completely contrary to the group majority's. Your book club's location was quite unique, but it just goes to show that book clubs are not restricted to only inside a library building.

  3. Fantastic observations and write up! I'm glad you had such a pleasant experience!
